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For Something To Be Inventory

  • You must have bought it: If you’re selling something on consignment, it still belongs to the manufacturer or supplier. That’s not your inventory – it’s theirs.

  • It must be for sale: Things that you’ve bought to help run your business – such as stationery or work tools – aren’t inventory.

Why Have Inventory?

  • You could just order what you need, exactly when you need it. And some businesses are able to operate on a just-in-time system like this. But for most businesses, it’s impossible to organise such a precise supply chain

  • Having inventory on hand has a number of benefits. It lets you:

  • Be responsive to customer demand

  • Deal with seasonal or cyclical demand

  • Have some independence from suppliers

  • Take advantage of price discounts and bulk buying

  • Delay the impact of price increases

  • Reduce delivery costs

  • Avoid work stoppages between manufacturing stages

  • Manage products with long lead times

Guide to COC Inventory


How to Create a Business Website

Register a
Web Address

Your Website

Set Review
and Refresh Date

Get Someone
​To Host Your Site

Hit Publish

Choose the 
Right Plan for 
Your Website

Get A Logo

Your Content

Eight COC Ways to
Ensure Your Website is High Quality

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