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Eight COC Ways to Ensure Your Website is High Quality

Easy to Find

Build a site that shows up when locals search for your types of products and services online. 

Easy To Buy From

If you’re selling through your site, make it simple and secure. Give customers an easy-to-use shopping cart, make delivery charges clear before they get to checkout, and offer a variety of payment methods such as debit card, credit card, and PayPal. 


Include an About page with full contact details, a little of your backstory, and some photos that put a human face on the business.

Bringing in Feedback and Testimonials

Nothing beats real-life testimonials from people who have used your service or product, so invite customers to send reviews. Be prepared to take the good with the bad.

Professional looking

Treat your site like the first impression it is. Use quality images, well-written text and modern design. If budget is an issue, make fewer pages to start with. Focus on quality.

Connected to Your Social Media

Some people who find your site may prefer to connect on social media. Make it easy for them to do that. It’s a great way to show them more of your brand’s personality.


Understand who you’re talking to (your target market) and what they’re looking for.

Create your site for those people. You want them to know they’ve found the right place as soon as they land.​

Always Up To Date

Out-of-date information isn’t a good look. It gives the impression you don’t care and makes the site less credible. Take down old promos and avoid putting dates in your text unless you have to.

Treat your website like an online version of a storefront. It’s the first impression for many customers and prospects. Get the basics on how to set up a business website, what to put on it, and how to turn it into a moneymaker.

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