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How to Create a Business Website

Treat your website like an online version of a storefront. It’s the first impression for many customers and prospects. Get the basics on how to set up a business website, what to put on it, and how to turn it into a moneymaker.


Choose the right plan for your website

Before signing a contract with your host, check you have the right plan. You can start off with basic web hosting, but there may be extra costs if you want to add several email addresses or an online shop.

Get someone to host your site

Websites are stored on servers, called hosts. You’ll be able to find a host for a modest annual fee. Your host will also sell extra products to help protect your site against viruses and malware, and they may sell templates for building your site. 



Register a web address (also called a domain name or URL)

A number of companies can register a domain name for you (and they often also provide hosting). Search for domain registries online and visit their websites. Use their tools to enter your preferred web addresses and see if they’re taken. When you find one that’s not, claim it.


Visit your site from different devices and browsers. Make sure it looks and feels practically the same on all of them. Ask friends and family for their honest opinion too.

Test your website

Add your content

You needn’t blindly follow what your competitors are doing, but check them out. If something’s working for them, learn from it. Then focus on the ways in which you can be fresh and different. 

Get a logo

A well-designed quality logo can make you look incredibly professional. If you don’t have a logo, COC can help. Ensure your choice of colours and typeface fit your brand. You want a consistent theme across all of your stuff.


Hit publish

Make your site live, and tell everyone about it. Email customers and contacts. See if there are any local directories your site could be added to. Ask relevant business associates to link to you.

Set review and refresh dates

Schedule review dates in your calendar to update and edit your site. Keep the information accurate. If you mention topical issues, make sure they’re dated or kept up to date.

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