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Financial PR
Enhance Your Corporate value

COC is offering a tailor-made Financial PR service, strong media connections, and strong investor connections. Along with our strong team and team chemistry, give COC a distinctive offering.


Media Relationship

Good media coverage is essential for a company to publicise its story, reinforce its corporate positioning, build awareness and manage its reputation


Market Intelligence

COC provide you with in-depth research on your industry and perception studies on the investment community. Our close ties with media, analysts, fund managers and retail investors ensure you access to accurate and timely information to help you strategically reshape public perceptions and investment theses


Corporate Positioning & Branding

Great positioning enables your company to stand out from the competition. At Financial PR, we develop and refine your corporate positioning to appeal favourably to different investor needs, such as growth, dividend, recovery and defensive plays.

Event Management


COC helps you reinforce your company’s key messages and broaden your network through highly targeted, professionally run events. Take your stakeholder engagement rates to the next level with events such as IPO and product launches, press conferences, gala dinners, marketing and networking events.

Digital Media


COC helps you maximise your global exposure through our digital media solutions. Go beyond your face-to-face stakeholder interactions with our popular social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram.

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